Digest>Archives> October 2004

Brighten Your Holidays with Harbour Lights


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One of America's most photographed, and therefore most familiar, lighthouses is the stately Bodie Island Light that sits on North Carolina's Outer Banks. Ironically, Bodie Island sits right along the highway – not on an island. Because of its accessibility to vacationers and lighthouse lovers, Bodie Island has earned its unique familiarity, and because it so readily represents the best in sentinel structure, this beautiful beacon has been chosen as the 2004 Christmas Edition. Wrapped in a blanket of snow and decorated with wreaths, the festive Keepers Quarters is illuminated, shedding light through the dwelling windows and atop the black and white tower. And yes, it really does occasionally snow along the Outer Banks. But don't blink – it usually doesn't last long! This Harbour Lights annual is limited to only 5,000 sculptures worldwide, so reserve yours today.

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If you acquired the first set of beautiful Fresnel Lens ornaments last Christmas, you're going to want to add our magnificent miniature lens ornaments for 2004! It's a set of four authentic beacons – Port Vicente, Boston Harbour, Hereford, and Yorktown Lightship Lens. They were chosen for their unique designs – each built with an intricate glass and brass to magnify the beam of light that would travel 10, 15, 20 miles or more across the waterways. Harbour Lights has diligently captured the complex beauty of the Fresnel Lens in this ornament set, and it is sure to become a family treasure. Suggested retail price for the set is only $60. By the way, this is a perfect gift for the man who has everything! Harbour Lights has consistently ranked among the Top 5 Men's Collectibles – respected for its quality, architectural accuracy and historical integrity – so you can be sure he will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

With the Holidays just around the corner, it's not too soon to begin checking names off your list with perfect gifts of light from Harbour Lights.

This story appeared in the October 2004 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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