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Book Reviews: Facing the Sea – Lightkeepers and Their Families

By Timothy Harrison


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In this fascinating book, the authors, Harold Chubbs and Wade Kearley, have captured amazing true life stories of the least written about lighthouses in North America: the lighthouses of the rugged outposts in Labrador and Newfoundland.

The book is loaded with tales of rescue and tragedy, of love lost and redeemed, with first-hand accounts of life at twenty five light stations along this exposed and often inhospitable coast of these Canadian provinces. To pique your interest, here is a sampling of a few of the chapter titles: The Disappearance of Harvey Inkpen, When Everything is Not Enough, Entombed in Ice, Life and Death with the Campbell Clan, A Good Place to Crash, Finding Courage in the Night, Death Comes to Stay, and Life and Nothing More.

Most of the stories told in the book are being recounted for the first time in print. They are all from first hand stories collected over the years by Harold Chubbs, who was a thirty-five year veteran with the Marine Aids to Navigation division of the Canadian Coast Guard.

Loaded with color photos and black and white historic images, this hard-cover book will captivate you as you read through its pages. As you look at the photos of the locations of some of these lighthouses, you’ll wonder in amazement how families even lived and survived at many of these places. In fact, this is the type of book that you will probably read several times over. Some of the stories in this book could easily be made into real life dramatic movies for the big screen or television.

Facing the Sea – Lightkeepers and Their Families is a hard cover book, with gold embossing on the cover, covered by a beautiful dust jacket, 8¾W x 11¼H, with many color and black and white photos, and 132 glossy pages. Facing the Sea is available as item #2150 for $34.95 plus shipping from Lighthouse Digest, P.O. Box 250, East Machias, ME 04630, on-line at www.LighthouseDigest.com or by calling 207-259-2121.

This story appeared in the Jul/Aug 2014 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.

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