Tours of Delaware’s Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse resumed again this past June after being stopped nine years ago when dock damage caused them to stop. The first back-to-back tours that were sold out were conducted by the Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation, the nonprofit group that owns the lighthouse.
Red Moulinier, President of the Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation, said that they were thrilled to finally make the tours accessible to the general public after a long delay caused by dock issues that had plagued the project since 2002. A new dock was constructed in the late fall of 2016, allowing restoration work parties to get onto the lighthouse which then made tours possible again.
The Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and donations for its efforts that primarily focus on the Harbor of Refuge Lighthouse. They are to be congratulated for their tenacity and dedication in getting the lighthouse restored and again opened to the public.
This story appeared in the
Sep/Oct 2018 edition of Lighthouse Digest Magazine. The print edition contains more stories than our internet edition, and each story generally contains more photographs - often many more - in the print edition. For subscription information about the print edition, click here.
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