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Name: St. Ann's Head High Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Pembrokeshire, , United Kingdom

Location: Southwestern tip of Wales, West Wales.

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Photo: John Mobbs

Managing Organization:
Old Lighthouse Holiday Complex


Contact Address Information:
Tot and Tann Thomas
Penllwyn, Barn Street, Haverfordwest
United Kingdom

The lantern was removed and replaced by an observation room during World War II. An active 1841 lighthouse stands nearby.

Tower Height: 75

Description of Tower: Conical white tower, attached to dwelling; observation deck in place of lantern room.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1714

Date Present Tower Built: 1714

Date Deactivated: 1910

Current Use: Hotel accommodations.

Open To Public? Yes.

There are exhibits on local history in the lighthouse tower. Guests also have access to the observation room.

Take the M4 to Carmarthen, then the A40 through Haverfordwest. In Haverfordwest follow the signs for Dale (B4237) which is about 12 miles away. Continue through the village of Dale, and turn left at the end of a row of former Admiralty houses, following the sign for St Ann's Head. Continue for two miles to the end of the road at St Ann's Head.

Nearby Lodging: For information on accommodations at the lighthouse, email or phone +44 (0)1437 767777. (Note: As of December 2006, the property is for sale.)

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