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Name: Ram Island Ledge Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Cape Elizabeth, Maine, United States

Location: Entrance to Portland Harbor, Casco Bay.

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Photo: Carl Nelson

Managing Organization:
Privately owned.

In October 2005, this lighthouse was licensed to the American Lighthouse Foundation. However, in 2007, ALF declined to renew its license. In July 2010 the GSA declared the lighthouse as excess property and put it up for auction. The lighthouse is now privately owned by Jeffrey Florman.

Tower Height: 72

Height of Focal Plane: 77

Characteristic and Range: Two white flashes every six seconds.

Description of Tower: Conical granite tower with black cast iron lantern.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?

Date Established: 1905 (1/23/1905)

Date Present Tower Built: 1903-1905

Date Automated: 1959

Optics: 1905: Third order Fresnel lens; now 300 mm.

Fog Signal: 1905: fog bell; now automated horn with one blast every 10 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? no


Ram Island Ledge Light can be seen (fairly distantly) from the area around Portland Head Light. From Route 295 in Portland, take ME 77 to South Portland. Go left on Broadway, then right on Cottage Road. Cottage Road becomes Shore Road at the Cape Elizabeth town line. Portland Head Light is in Fort Williams Park, 1000 Shore Road. From the south, take US Route 1 north to Oak Hill in Scarborough. Go right on ME 207, then left on ME 77 north to Cape Elizabeth. Turn right at a blinking light at Shore Road and follow to Fort Williams Park. Ram Island Ledge Light can also be seen from some sightseeing cruises leaving Portland, including those offered by Bay View Cruises. Call (207) 761-0496 for details. You can charter a cruise for a closer look with Sea Escape Cottages and Charters; call (207) 833-5531 or email for details. It can also be seen from some of the cruises offered by Casco Bay Lines -- call (207) 774-7871 or see

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: William C. Tapley (1905-?); Leroy L. Myers (c. 1935); R.J. Carr, assistant (c. 1935); L. McBride, assistant (c. 1935); Joe Johansen (Coast Guard assistant, 1949-1950).

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