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Name: Ruhnu Light  

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Also known as: Runö Light

Nearest Town or City:
Ruhnu (Runö), , Estonia

Location: Highest point on island of Ruhnu, Baltic Sea.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Estonian Maritime Administration

Managing Organization:
Estonian Maritime Administration


According to historical documents, a tower with a beacon light was built by the Swedes in 1621, but the official year of establishment is considered to be 1646. The 1877 lighthouse was severely damaged during World War I (1918), and a temporary acetylene light was placed at the top of the tower. Restoration of the tower was completed in 1937.

Tower Height: 131

Height of Focal Plane: 213

Characteristic and Range: Flashing white every 4 seconds, range 11 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: Brown, skeleton-style tower with central cylinder.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1757: Wooden lighthouse built on Hochberg Hill. 1820: Red octagonal wooden lighthouse, 79 feet tall. 1860: Yellow hexagonal wooden tower, 105 feet tall.

Date Established: 1646

Date Present Tower Built: 1877

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only.

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