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Name: Random Head Lighthouse  

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Also known as: Random Head Harbour Lighthouse

Nearest Town or City:
Hickman's Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada

Location: Head of Trinity Bay, on the Avalon Peninsula in eastern Newfoundland.

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Photo: Department of Fisheries and Oceans
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Managing Organization:
Canadian Coast Guard

The tower was refurbished in the late 1980s.

Tower Height: 34

Height of Focal Plane: 126

Description of Tower: Conical cast iron tower with red and white checkerboard pattern.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1895

Date Present Tower Built: 1895

Date Automated: 1960s

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

The headland is about 9.5 miles from the end of the road at Hickman’s Harbour. The light tower can be seen from the top of the cliffs at Random Head.

Keepers: Thomas Henry Cooper (1895-?) Cooper was the first of four generations of Coopers to keep the light at Random Head. The last full-time keeper, Thomas Cooper, resigned in 1952. John Watton was the caretaker of the light through the 1960s until it became battery powered.

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