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Name: Recalada a Bahía Blanca Lighthouse  

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Also known as: Faro Recalada a Bahia Blanca

Also known as: Faro Recalada

Nearest Town or City:
Monte Hermoso, , Argentina

Location: Entrance to Bahía Blanca, south coast of Province of Buenos Aires.

Managing Organization:
Servicio de Hidrografía Naval


This is the tallest lighthouse in South America and one of the tallest in the world. It has 327 steps leading to the lantern room. "Faro Recalada a Bahia Blanca" means "Bahia Blanca Landfall Light" in English.

Tower Height: 220

Height of Focal Plane: 245

Characteristic and Range: Flashing white every 9 seconds.

Description of Tower: Octagonal iron skeletal tower with central cylinder, painted with red and white bands.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1906

Date Present Tower Built: 1906

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Yes.

Guided tours of the lighthouse are available daily (weekends only in offseason).

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