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Name: Cape St. George Light (FL)  

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Nearest Town or City:
Cape St. George, Florida, United States

Location: Little St. George Island, Gulf of Mexico.

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Photo: St. George Lighthouse Association, Inc.

Managing Organization:
St. George Lighthouse Association, Inc.

Telephone: 850-927-2972


Contact Address Information:
201 Bradford Street
St. George Island
Florida, 32328, United States

The Cape St. George Lighthouse was already endangered by beach erosion when Hurricane Opal undermined its foundation in 1995. Funds raised by the Cape St. George Lighthouse Society were combined with state and federal funds for a repair and stabilization project. This project was completed in 1999. The St. George Lighthouse Association, Inc., was incorporated at the end of 2004 to resume the battle. The consensus is that the lighthouse would have to be moved in order for it to survive, and the St. George Lighthouse Association began raising funds for this undertaking. But then, on October 21, 2005, the lighthouse was found in ruins after toppling onto the surf. Since then, the lighthouse was rebuilt at a new location in 2008-09 and is now open to the public.

Tower Height: 70

Height of Focal Plane: 72

Description of Tower: White conical brick tower with black cast iron lantern.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1833: 75-foot tower; 1848: Second tower, destroyed by storm in 1851.

Date Established: 1833

Date Present Tower Built: 1852

Date Deactivated: 1994

Optics: 1857: Third order Fresnel lens (removed).

Current Use: Destroyed. Rebuilt at new location.

Little St. George Island is accessible by boat only.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: Francis Lee (1848-?), Braddock Williams (?-1862), James Reilly (1866-?, died in fall from lighthouse).

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