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Name: Cape Bear Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Murray River, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Location: Southeastern tip of Prince Edward Island.

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Photo: Alan Culley

Managing Organization:
Cape Bear Lighthouse & Museum

Telephone: 902-962-2917

Contact Address Information:
Cape Bear
Murray River
Prince Edward Island, Z1Z 1Z1, Canada

The Marconi station at Cape Bear was the first Canadian land station to receive the distress call of the Titanic in 1912. During World War II the lighthouse was used for spotting German U-boats. In 1963 the keeper's house was moved a quarter mile from the lighthouse. In December 2014 the lighthouse tower was moved away from the eroding bluff.

Tower Height: 40

Height of Focal Plane: 74

Characteristic and Range: Flashing yellow every six seconds.

Description of Tower: White, square pyramidal wooden tower with red lantern.

This light is operational

Date Established: 1881

Date Present Tower Built: 1881

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, museum.

Open To Public? Museum only.

The Cape Bear Lighthouse Museum includes artifacts and an audio-visual display. It is open daily from June to September.

Follow Route 18, the King's Byway, to Cape Bear and the museum. To reach the lighthouse: at a sharp bend in the paved road, turn off onto a dirt road, then go down the second lane on the right. You'll find the lighthouse in the woods.

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