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Name: Saginaw River Front Range Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Bay City, Michigan, United States

Location: Entrance to Saginaw River, Lake Huron.

This lighthouse no longer exists. The rear range light still stands and is owned by the Dow Chemical Company.

Description of Tower: 1876: 30-foot (focal plane 37 feet) square pyramidal frame tower with enclosed upper portion, demolished in 1915 and replaced by a steel tower (focal plane 39 feet), which was destroyed c. 1960.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1876

Date Deactivated: 1960s

Optics: Sixth order Fresnel lens.

Current Use: Destroyed.

The Saginaw River Marine Historical Society is seeking historical information, old newspaper stories, photographs of keepers and family members, and recorded memories of life at the Saginaw River Rear Range Lighthouse and the no longer existing Saginaw River Front Range Lighthouse (the assistant keeper's dwelling still stands and is now a private residence near where the Front Range Light was located), plus the original Saginaw Bay Lighthouse (built in 1841 and demolished in 1876) that could be used in a museum that is planned for inside the restored lighthouse. Please contact Rob by email at

Keepers: Julia Tobey Brawn Way (1873-1877; first assistant 1877-1882)

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