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Name: Michigan City Light  

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Also known as: Old Michigan City Light

Nearest Town or City:
Michigan City, Indiana, United States

Location: Michigan City Harbor, Lake Michigan.

Click to enlarge: Photo   
Photo: Alan Culley

Managing Organization:
Michigan City Historical Society, Inc.

Telephone: 219-872-6133


Contact Address Information:
P.O. Box 512
Michigan City
Indiana, 46361, United States

This lighthouse was replaced by a new structure on a pier in 1904. The old building continued to serve as keeper's quarters for the new light until 1940. The building's lantern was removed, but the Michigan City Historical Society has replicated the lantern and restored the building. They now operate it as a maritime museum.

Tower Height: 34

Height of Focal Plane: 52

Description of Tower: White, square tower and lantern on roof of keeper's dwelling.

This light is not operational

Date Established: 1837

Date Present Tower Built: 1858

Date Deactivated: 1904

Optics: 1858: Fifth order Fresnel lens (now in museum on site).

Current Use: Museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

The Old Lighthouse Museum is open from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. every day except Monday. The museum contains maritime displays and exhibits on Michigan City history.

This lighthouse is located near downtown Michigan City. Follow US Route 12 to Pine Street and continue to the lighthouse. For information on Lake Michigan lighthouse tours, call the West Michigan Tourist Association at (800) 442-2084 or visit their website at For reservations, call Brenner Tours at 800-338-5963.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places

Keepers: John M. Clarkson (1858-1861); Harriet E. Colfax (1861-1904); T.J. Armstrong (1904-1918); Phillip Sheridan (1918-1930); Walter Donovan (1930-?).

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