Managing Organization: Canadian Coast Guard
Notes: The private owner of the land around this lighthouse has built a home on the property that is a near-replica of Maryland's Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. The grounds are not open to the public. Tower Height: 21 Height of Focal Plane: 37 Characteristic and Range: Isophase white 4 seconds (2 seconds on, 2 seconds off), range 10 miles. Description of Tower: White, square, pyramidal wooden tower with lantern removed.
This light is operational
Earlier Towers? 1861: Square, pyramidal wooden tower. Date Established: 1861 Date Present Tower Built: 1910 Current Use: Active aid to navigation. Open To Public? No. Directions: The light is on private property and is not accessible to the public. It is best viewed from the water. Keepers: Thomas Kilty (1862-1863), Robert Gillespie (1862-1885), William Gillespie (1885-1939), Everett Woodman (1940s-1950s)