Notes: In 1881 this light became the front light of the Delaware Breakwater Range. The rear range light was also known as Green Hill Light. When this light was deactivated in 1903, the Delaware Breakwater Light (East End) became the front light in the range. This lighthouse was demolished in the mid-1950s. Height of Focal Plane: 47 Characteristic and Range: c. 1875: White light varied by flashes every 45 seconds. Description of Tower: 1838: Light on breakwater superintendent's dwelling. 1849: Tower on top of 1 1/2 story keeper's dwelling on masonry pier atop breakwater.
This light is not operational
Date Established: 1838 Date Deactivated: 1903 Optics: c. 1849: Six lamps and reflectors. By 1875: Fourth order Fresnel lens. Fog Signal: Fog bell struck every 10 seconds, destroyed by storm and discontinued in 1889. Current Use: Destroyed. Keepers: Thomas J. Truxton (1849-?)