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Name: Hoek van 't IJ Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Durgerdam, , Netherlands

Location: Near Amsterdam, Noord-Holland Province, Markermeer Region.

Managing Organization:
IJsselmeer Area Directorate (RDIJ)

The first Hoek van 't IJ Lighthouse was similar to the current De Ven Lighthouse, built at the same time (along with the first Marken Lighthouse). The 1893 lighthouse was declared a national monument in 1981. The light was discontinued in September 2003 but reactivated in 2004.

Tower Height: 64

Height of Focal Plane: 59

Characteristic and Range: One flash (duration 3 seconds) every 5 seconds, visible for 14 nautical miles (white sector) and 11 nautical miles (red sector).

Description of Tower: Black, octagonal skeleton iron tower with a white lantern and enclosed upper portion and a red dome; dwelling nearby.

This light is not operational

Earlier Towers?
1700: Square stone tower (demolished in 1893).

Date Established: 1700

Date Present Tower Built: 1893

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? No.

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