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Name: Mississagi Strait Light   Map it!

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Nearest Town or City:
Meldrum Bay, Ontario, Canada

Location: Manitoulin Island, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron.

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Photo: Michel Forand

Managing Organization:
Manitoulin Tourism Association


This lighthouse was replaced by a nearby automatic light in 1970, but the active light was moved back into the lighthouse in 2003. It is now part of Mississagi Lighthouse Heritage Park and is operated as a museum and restaurant, with an adjacent campground.

Tower Height: 38

Height of Focal Plane: 47

Characteristic and Range: White light, 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off; range 13 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White, wooden pyramidal tower with red trim and red lantern.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Integral keeper's house and fog signal building.

Date Established: 1873

Date Present Tower Built: 1873

Date Deactivated: 1970-2003

Fog Signal: 1881: compressed air fog horn; 1908: Diaphone horn.

Current Use: Active seasonal aid to navigation, museum, restaurant.

Open To Public? Yes.

There is a maritime museum in the keeper's house, open from May to September. There is a restaurant in the fog signal building.

Take Mississagi Lighthouse Road off Highway 540 to the lighthouse.

Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse!

Keepers: John Miller (1873-1876); William Cullis (1877-1901); J.H. Ball (1902-1913); W.A. Grant (1913-1946); D.N. (Joe) Sullivan (1946-1970).

Nearby Lodging: There is a campground near the lighthouse. For campground reservations, email or call 705-282-8503.

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