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Name: White River Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Whitehall, Michigan, United States

Location: White Lake Channel, Lake Michigan.

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Photo: Alan Culley
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Managing Organization:
White River Light Station Museum

Telephone: 231-894-8265


Contact Address Information:
6199 Murray Road
Michigan, 49461, United States

This lighthouse is now a museum operated by Fruitland Township. When the light was discontinued the town didn't have enough money to buy it, but local citizens chipped in to make up the purchase price. The White River Light Station Museum has a nonprofit support group, the Friends of the White River Light Station. A film clip interview with the curator and one of the last keepers can be viewed at

Description of Tower: Octagonal limestone tower attached to keeper's dwelling.

This light is not operational

Other Buildings?
Attached 1.5 story limestone keeper's dwelling, oil house, garage, storage building.

Date Established: 1875

Date Present Tower Built: 1875

Date Deactivated: 1960

Date Automated: 1945

Optics: 1875: Fourth order Fresnel lens, now in museum at lighthouse.

Current Use: Museum.

Open To Public? Yes.

The museum in the keeper's quarters contains artifacts of Great Lakes origin, and items which present a nostalgic look back on the history of the White Lake Area. Summer hours: Tues.-Fri. 11-5; Sat.-Sun. 12-6; Mon. closed; Open Sept. weekends only. There is a small admission fee, and guided tours are available by arrangement.

Take US-31 to the White Lake Drive exit, then turn right (west) and follow to South Shore Drive. Turn left and follow the museum signs to the end of Murray Road. For information on Lake Michigan lighthouse tours, call the West Michigan Tourist Association at (800) 442-2084 or visit their website at For reservations, call Brenner Tours at 800-338-5963.

Keepers: William Robinson (1875-?).

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