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Name: Sochong Do Light  

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Also known as: Socheong-do Light

Also known as: Soch'ong-do Light

Nearest Town or City:
Inch'on, , Korea, Republic of

Location: NW coast of South Korea; on an island just south of the Demarcation Line, about 40 miles west of North Korea's Ongjin Peninsula.

Tower Height: 33

Height of Focal Plane: 272

Characteristic and Range: Four white flashes every 40 seconds; range 20 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White round concrete tower, attached to the foghorn building.

This light is operational

Earlier Towers?
1908: White tower, 45 feet tall.

Date Established: 1908

Date Present Tower Built: ?

Fog Signal: Siren, 1 blast every 45 seconds.

Current Use: Active aid to navigation.

Open To Public? Grounds only?

The island is about 130 miles northwest of the port city of Inch'on and can be reached by daily ferry from there (a 3½ hour ride).

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