Managing Organization: Calvert Marine Museum
Contact Address Information: P.O. Box 97 Solomons Maryland,
United States
Notes: This lighthouse was moved to the Calvert Marine Museum in 1975. It is one of only three screwpile, cottage-type lighthouses remaining of the 45 that once stood in the Chesapeake Bay around 1900. Tower Height: 47 Description of Tower: White, octagonal wood tower and black cast iron lantern on roof of keeper's quarters.
This light is not operational
Other Buildings? Integral 1.5 story keeper's quarters. Date Established: 1883 Date Present Tower Built: 1883
Tower Moved? 1975 Date Deactivated: 1962 Date Automated: 1960 Optics: 1883: Fourth order Fresnel lens. Fog Signal: Originally bell. Current Use: Museum exhibit. Open To Public? Yes. Museum? The Calvert Marine Museum is open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Sightseeing cruises are available from the museum dock from May through October. Directions: Calvert Marine Museum is located on State Route 2 in Solomons, Maryland, 20 miles south of Prince Frederick. Listed on the
National Register of Historic Places Keepers: Benjamin N. Gray (1883-?), James Locke Weems (c. early 1900s), William Yeatman (1918-1919), John Hansen (c. 1940s - 1960)