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Name: Cape Enrage Light  

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Nearest Town or City:
Alma, New Brunswick, Canada

Location: Barn Marsh Island, Chignecto Bay.

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Photo: Cape Enrage Interpretive Center, Inc.

Managing Organization:
Cape Enrage Interpretive Centre Incorporated

Telephone: 506-887-2273


Contact Address Information:
47622 Homestead Road
Berry Mills
New Brunswick, E1G 4P8, Canada

An interpretive center, adventure program (canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, rappelling), lunch room and gift shop are run by high school and college students on this site.

Tower Height: 33

Height of Focal Plane: 125

Characteristic and Range: Flashing green every 6 seconds, visible for 11 nautical miles.

Description of Tower: White, wooden square pyramidal tower with red lantern.

This light is operational

Other Buildings?
Keeper's house, fog signal building.

Earlier Towers?
1840: Hexagonal wooden tower.

Date Established: 1840

Date Present Tower Built: 1870

Date Automated: 1988

Current Use: Active aid to navigation, adventure center and interpretive center.

Open To Public? Yes.

Full services at Cape Enrage run from Victoria Day weekend in May to Labour Day in September, but limited activities are available all year. Guided canoeing and kayaking expeditions are offered, as well as climbing and rappelling with instruction. Visitors can also explore the area's hiking trails on their own. The active lighthouse itself is still owned and maintained by the Canadian Coast Guard, but visitors can tour the tower. Free tours of the site and surroundings are available to school groups. Middle school and high school "adventure camps" are held each summer. Call (506) 856-6081 (off season) or (506) 887-2273 (in season) for more information.

Cape Enrage is on Barn Marsh Island on Chignecto Bay, an arm of the Bay of Fundy. The Cape is reached by car via a roadway over a narrow beach. Call the Cape Enrage Interpretive Centre, Inc., for more detailed directions, or see

Keepers: Matthew Grieve (1840-1850), John Henneberry (1850-1851), James Munson (1852), John Henneberry (1853 -1867), George Tingley (1868-1876), W. S. Starratt (Starrsalt?) (1876-1888), James G. Barbour (1888-1930), Lloyd Bennett, ? Constantine, George Hoar, Noel Justason.

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