Managing Organization: Island Heritage Trust
Website: Email:
Contact Address Information: P.O. Box 42 Deer Isle Maine,
United States
Notes: Under the Maine Lights Program, the lighthouse became the property of the Island Heritage Trust in 1998. The island is a wildlife refuge and is home to bald eagles and nesting eider ducks. Tower Height: 25 Height of Focal Plane: 52 Characteristic and Range: Flashing white every 6 seconds. Description of Tower: Square white brick tower with granite foundation, black cast iron lantern.
This light is operational
Other Buildings? All other buildings were demolished between 1959 and the 1970s. Date Established: 1858 (1/1/1858) Date Present Tower Built: 1857 Date Automated: c. 1960 Optics: 1858: Fourth order Fresnel lens (removed 1960); now 250 mm solar powered. Fog Signal: 1884: Fog bell. Later fog horn. Current Use: Active aid to navigation in bird sanctuary. Open To Public? No. Directions: From US Route 1, take ME 175 south to ME 176, then to ME 15. Follow ME 15 south to Stonington. Follow ME 15 (Maine Street) along the water in Stonington to Billings Road. Turn left on Billings Road and cross over a causeway to Moose Island and Billings Diesel and Marine Services. Turn into the boatyard; you can see the lighthouse from there. There are views 0.4 miles and 0.6 miles past the boatyard. Mapquest URL: Click here to get a map to this lighthouse! Keepers: Thomas Colby Small (1857-1861); Paul Thurlow (1861-1864); Levi Babbidge (1864-1868); Samuel E. Holden (1868-1874); Melissa Colby Holden (1874-1876); James A. Morris (1876-1881); Charles A. Gott (1881-1887); Howard M. Gilley (1887-1896); William C. Tapley (1896-1905); Charles B. Stanley (1905-?); John Purrington (1912-1916); Allen Carter Holt (1916-c. 1920); Henry Smith (?); Stanley Kimball (19??-?); Elmer E. Conary (c. 1929-1935); Alvah Robinson (1936-1945); Ralph Stanley Andrews, Sr. (Coast Guard, 1945-1948); Irving Hines (Coast Guard, 1948-?); Joe Friend (Coast Guard, 1953-?); James McPherson (Coast Guard, 195?-?); Richard Kwapiszewski (Coast Guard, c. 1958).